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As new parents, when the newborn comes home, you have essentially signed up to have a stranger as your new room mate; albeit, this room mate is different than any other you have had before (except maybe for during those really messy nights in college). As the birthing parent, you have been growing this little […]
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Wondering what you should include on your baby registry? In all honesty, you can put whatever you would like on your registry! Check out this list for some ideas of “Must Have” items that you will actually use, and some that will even change your world. FeedingHaakaa -A silicone catch for your breast milk that […]
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The flu is more than just a bad cold – it involves symptoms such as fever, nausea, fatigue, muscle and joint aches, coughing, and a sore throat. If the flu is left untreated, it can lead to pneumonia, which can be quite severe. Pregnant and postpartum women are more at risk of adverse side effects […]
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Moms don’t get a day off. We must be on our A-Game 24-7, even if we can’t remember the last time we took a shower. Does running out of dry shampoo before you run out of diapers sound familiar? Do you remember the last time you did your hair nice? I didn’t either. Ponytail – […]
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Placentas, the only organ in the body that can grow (from nothing!) after the body is fully developed, and can then be expelled from the body after it has completed its task. Pretty freakin’ cool, right? Let’s look more into this super neat organ and how it plays a huge role in baby’s development. What […]
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What is your typical response when you hear that someone you know had a fast labour? Is it “Oh my god, you’re so lucky!”? Is it “At least you didn’t have to be in so much pain for so long!”? Or even “I wish my labour had been that short!”? If any of these are […]
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Postpartum mood disorders, which includes postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, and postpartum psychosis, affects 7.5% of women in Canada after they have given birth. Although this number may not seem very high, these are only the cases that were reported to a physician. Imagine what the percentage might be if every woman that experienced any symptom […]
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Maternal positioning: what the heck does that mean? Well, let’s break it down… Maternal – motherPositioning – arrangement of the mother’s body as it pertains to labour Anecdotally, it is believed that the position of a pregnant person can play a significant role in changing baby’s position from occiput posterior (OP) to occiput anterior (OA) […]
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After months of keeping baby snug and safe inside your body, and then bringing that miracle child into the outside world through what is often hours of hard labour, it can be quite stress inducing just thinking about that clean baby skin and those brand new lungs coming into contact with germs. Something that your […]