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Moms Don’t Get A Day Off – A glimpse at your 4th trimester

Moms don’t get a day off. We must be on our A-Game 24-7, even if we can’t remember the last time we took a shower. Does running out of dry shampoo before you run out of diapers sound familiar? Do you remember the last time you did your hair nice? I didn’t either. Ponytail – our only defense against the grabby fingers we are yet to teach the meaning of “Let go” to.

Feeling sleepy and would give just about anything for a sleep in day? Not today. Not yesterday. Probably not tomorrow either. 7am is your new sleep in time, get acquainted.

Got a cold, or an allergy attack that just seems to go on for days and days? Better bust out the heavy duty hand moisturizer for those cracked knuckles from all that hand washing you’re going to be doing because you’ll be damned if you get that little angel sick too.

Period cramps or menstrual migraines got you wanting to curl up in a ball and die? Forget about it, no one has time for your rock-like ovaries – you’ve got horsie rides to give! 

Does the constant mountain of laundry mockingly call your name from the bedroom? Or the cascade of toppling dishes set your teeth on edge? Ever wonder what you even did that day? Let me summarize it for you: You provided. You put your own comfort and routine on the back burner so you could make sure your baby had a dry diaper and a full belly. You sacrificed make-up and a nice hair-do for sticky smiles, tickle monsters, and coos and gagas. You’ve selflessly given up Friday night parties for bath times, bedtime stories, and rocks to sleep. You are doing it for this love you’ve never known before until you became a Mom. For this selfless love that exists totally outside of yourself. For this miracle you get to call your own. Is it worth it? Oh hell yeah.

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